Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hello... Let me introduce myself.

I'm Melanie. Welcome to my corner of the web.

To my friends, I hope you will drop by often to see how things are going--especially since I seem to be lousy at managing to keep up with my correspondence duties. I promise, the desire to talk is always there--it's the ability to actually get it done that I'm bad at! Yet, for some reason, you seem to love (or at least like) me in spite of myself... :) As always, thank you for that!

To those who happen to wander by on your web journeys... Welcome to you as well... Come on in and stay awhile. Hopefully you'll find something interesting to read or learn some new tidbit of information that will lead you to other great adventures.

A little bit about me would probably be helpful.
- First, amazingly enough, I can't find any decent/recent pictures of myself. I'll work on that since I think pictures are 1/2 the reason for blogging.
- Second, I'm happiest in the kitchen baking or watching movies. Music is my coffee, so I often have it on in every room. I'm a reformed Diet Coke addict. My only Must See TV is Bones on Fox. Technology is wonderful--as long as it works appropriately. I'm not overly patient when it chooses to disagree with me. I enjoy a good debate as long as all the parties are open to opposing points of view, and I love to play devil's advocate just to see what happens. Oh, and my favorite dessert of all times is a really really good dark chocolate cake with a chocolate ganache frosting and chocolate shavings as a garnish.

I'd also like to introduce the other characters in my world...

First, there's Brett, my husband extraordinare... He's a friendly computer guy who manages databases for a living. He's also a big movie and music fan, enjoys sports, and makes me laugh with his uncanny sense of humor. He's also pretty good in the kitchen, remembers to surprise me with flowers every now and then, and keeps me honest and on the straight-and-narrow most of the time!

Then there's our buddy, Riley Dog. Many people ask what kind of dog Riley is... When we got him at Animal Control, he was barely seven pounds and was the size of my foot. They told us he was a Beagle/Jack Russell mix.

A year and a half later, he's over 50 pounds and much bigger than any Beagle or Jack Russell... So we've chalked his pedigree up to a mix of hound or terrier or pointer. Anyway, he is often referred to as "His Royal Highness" because in his mind, the world revolves around him! :)

And there's my favorite munchkins... My sister, Natalie, has two lovlies--Allison and Emily. The stories that come from their adventures cause much laughter usually, so you might hear more than one or two tales about them.

Well, thanks for stopping. Hope to see you again soon!

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