Friday, March 14, 2008

Greetings all!
Sorry to be distant... Let me try to begin to fill you in on our world.

Rupert's Latest Pictures

I've been a bit slow about posting Rupert's latest photos. Here you go--in all of his fuzzy glory. Yesterday was our 12-week appointment. We heard his little heartbeat for the first time yesterday. It went a fast 150 beats per minute, but seemed sure and steady. Everything seems to be going along swimmingly for the munchkin. After our appointment, we went back for the ultrasound testing (to help detect chromosomal issues). We tried that last week (see previous post) but Rupert wasn't cooperating so we had to re-do it yesterday. It took some coaxing, but he finally got into the position Ms. Kathy needed him to be in. So far, this kid seems to really like laying on the right side and waving and kicking anytime there's a camera in play. When baby moves, it usually is by standing on the head rather than the feet--like cartwheels. It took lots of jiggling and four laps around the inside of the doctors' office to get him to show us his backside, but alas, he finally did.
From all I can tell, he looks like a munchkin... but again, it's all more than a bit blurry to me.

Questions people have asked...
- We won't have a chance at figuring out boy or girl for at least another six weeks. We don't care which as long as Baby is healthy with the right pieces in the right places.

- No, the poor child will not be named Rupert or Huckleberry. We have real names chosen, but aren't ready to use them until munchkin arrives and we can make sure they "fit".

- Themes for Baby's room... We haven't actually decided on this one yet. Since we're living in an apartment right now, we haven't actually been focusing on a theme. All we have room for is a bassinet to stay in our room. If/when we find a house to move to, then we'll begin to nail down more of a theme/decor. Brett and I both like Winnie, but we also are thinking pretty seriously about generic theme of animals so that we're not bound to just one type of motif.

- How do I feel?... Well, if I didn't know I was pregnant, I wouldn't know I was pregnant. Rupert has taken it easy on me, thank goodness. I haven't had morning sickness at all. I sometimes get tired, but who doesn't?!?!!?! I lost 20 pounds over the winter, so I still have lots of room in my clothes (which is good since no one seems to make decent plus-sized maternity clothes!)... I haven't really gained any weight so far, but my belly might be getting a bit rounder if you look at it just right... (that's one of the joys of being plus-sized... you don't show so fast!!!:) )

Okay... that's it for this setting. Next post... The joys of trying to find a new abode! :)

I hope everything is going well where you are. Feel free to post comments or just email me.

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