Monday, March 31, 2008

Musings, and Other Out-In-Left-Field Ramblings

First and foremost... take a look. This isn't exactly the best picture, but it's the one I have access to on this computer. Home inspection went well, no major issues to worry about! Woohoo!!!!

I've been hard at work for the past two weeks on the data entry for a telecom audit. In English, that means that I am working with two other temps to enter any line item that has a charge associated with it into a database. When we first started, Adrian and I laughed at the concept of three banker boxes even taking us the two weeks they projected. Then we tried to read and tackle the entry for the first bills. Telecom covers cable, internet, networks, circuits, land line telephone, wireless phones, wireless access for computers, etc. Some of the bills have been 600+ pages long. Usually, it's a lot of detail to support the 10 or so pages we need to do our job... but the experiences have left me with some questions...

- Have you ever wondered if there is actually a department in the telephone company whose sole purpose is to make the bills so confusing to read/understand that we just ignore it and pay whatever they bill us?

- Did you know that there are actually line items called "Service Charges for Service Charges on XXX"? I was totally shocked and amazed that they charge service charges on service charges...

- If you've ever looked closely, there just might be a "billing surcharge" listed in the fine print. Now call me silly, but if I want to get money from a client, I usually have to send them a bill--it's just a part of doing business. Amazingly enough, there are routinely "billing surcharges" listed on invoices...

- Have you ever gotten home and realized that you spent the entire day wearing one black shoe and one navy blue one? That was the day that I couldn't find my badge in my purse, but once I did, it didn't matter because it didn't work. Then I had my computer crash twice, and managed to lock myself in the bathroom stall and almost hit panic when it wouldn't let me out... That was just one of those really long "should have covered my head" days... :)

- On the subject of paint colors... who knew there were that many versions of tan. I'm beginning to feel like a boy... Isn't brown brown? ;)

On the friends front...
- I got to see Libbey and her beloved Larry this past weekend. They were driving through to Missouri and stopped for brunch. I was glad to see them. I'm not sure I'd seen her since before our wedding!

- We also got to have lunch with Brett's friends from Memphis--Josh, Kim, & Jacob--a couple of weekends ago. We hadn't seen them in a while either, so that was fun. Feel free to let us know when you might be driving through.

- Riley is sensing spring I guess because he's been jumping up and down and barking at everything in sight. If the wind blows in Africa, Riley lets us know about it. OH, and he's actually lost three of the eight pounds the vet was wanting him to lose. He can't wait to hit the new backyard. We took him to see it last week, and he's already met the next door bog Bogart.

- If you ever want some humor, check out my sister's blog ( She's been posting video and pictures of the girly girls. They are growing so fast that Auntie Mel can't keep up!

I guess that's it for tonight. Sleepy time so I can go find new and interesting charges tomorrow.

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