Tuesday, February 12, 2008

And then life takes a turn... :)

Today's news is pretty exciting for us... We met with the doctor today, and it's official. We weren't quite planning on this much excitement right now, but we're going to have a Rupert to go with Riley!!! (I'm not sure Riley quite gets the importance of the changes that are going to start happening in HIS life, but we've got some time... :))

Here's the 1st photo of Rupert!!! (or Huckleberry if you talk to Brett). Apparently, he's in there somewhere. We could see the munchkin's heartbeat on the screen, but that was on a really really big screen. Now that I have the picture, I'm not quite sure WHAT anything is...

Anyway... apparently everything is just fine. I go to the bathroom even more than normal; I'm really tired all the sudden, and my body is expanding in all the right places. So, have fun looking at Rupert!

Check back soon for all our exciting news! :)

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