Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's the simple things in life...

Yesterday was probably the first day in ten days that I was awake, alive, and actually functioning for the majority of the day. I love sleep and being lazy, but even I have hit my quota! :)

That said, I was quickly reminded though of how cool the simple things in life are. One of my first accomplishments yesterday was taking Riley Dog for a walk. It's not like we really went anywhere exciting. We just walked down our street and back (maybe 1/2 mile at most), but it was really really good to be able to be outside and breathe!...

My glee was punctuated by snow!!! In Nashville, snow of any type has been a big deal. Last year I really thought I'd moved to the equator. I was wearing shorts and a tee-shirt the day before Thanksgiving. I'm not sure that I even pulled out sweaters last year. This year, I've at least had occasion to pull on something warm and wooley. Yesterday as we were trotting along, it really really snowed. I don't mean little flakes--I mean big "looks like it's going to blizzard" flakes in rapid succession! (Now, keep in mind that lasted about five to ten minutes and there was no accumulation, but it was fun for a little while...)

Last but not least, we had breakfast for dinner. One of the funky things about feeling sick is that my appetite has been really warped. Last night I made pancakes and turkey bacon and eggs for dinner. I can't remember the last time I had that for a meal, but it tasted wonderful last night.

Today, the snow has melted. We're back to our normal sunshine with a slight chill... I need to go to the store so that we actually have food in the house to eat, and there are bills to pay (thank goodness for online banking) and lots of laundry to do... So, it's back to life as normal. Hope you're having a wonderful day where you are. Just don't forget to be excited about the little things! :)

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