Monday, February 4, 2008

Random thoughts from the week...

Walking five miles was wonderful--until later that night and Tuesday. We're gonna need to work some more on the endurance aspect!

Work is a wonderful thing! Looking for a job would never be one of my most favorite things, but working is a lot of a fun when you haven't done it for a while... Thanks to the various services I'm working with, they've been keeping me busy with either temporary assignments or interviews for full-time gigs. So far, I've been quite a few different characters from all over and haven't killed too many people in phone transfers! I had forgotten just how hard it is to run in high heels! :) Anyway, I'm very grateful for the mischief!

New places to munch... Brett and I have been exploring some of the new restuarants in Cool Springs over the past few weeks.
- Noshville Deli... Brett loves this place. NY style deli with a hint of the 50's blended in. The salad I had was wonderful; and Brett really seemed to like the sandwich. The highlight is definitely the desserts--we HIGHLY recommend the chocolate cake and the chocolate mousse pie! :)
- Christoper's... New place in Cool Springs near the movie theather. They specialize in breakfast and brunch. Pancakes are really good. Brett's skillet was decent, but not fantastic. Interesting conversation starter at Christoper's: Orange walls with very eclectic and diverse art selections. Not sure who did the buying, but they had a wide variety of tastes!

The joy brought by $1 DVD rental machines is just undescribable! We have one in our local grocery, so if we have a couple hours during an evening, we'll grab a movie. Our latest was Rush Hour 3. Can't complain... It's just like 1 & 2, but they still make the conversations funny, add some interesting (though predictable) plot twists, and provide decent entertainment for a couple of hours.

Best new recipe... I use Gmail which has messages that scroll across the top. One such link took me to a great blog called Simply Recipes which had a fantastic Shrimp Quesadilla recipe. Nice and spicy so there's some flavor for those who like it, but best part is you just dump the ingredients in a ziploc and leave them in the fridge all day. Grill or stirfry them, dump them on a tortilla or pita, garnish as needed and MUNCH!!! Check it out at:

Best new music find... If you like bluesy music, check out my latest find--Marc Broussard. He's been around for four or five years it looks like, but he's just now getting face time in places that I hear... Give him a listen at!

I'm a loser where the SuperBowl was concerned this year. I'm probably the only American who didn't pay attention. I didn't even watch the commercials. I did enjoy Animal Planet's Puppy Bowl for a few minutes. It's amazing what makes for amusing TV.

Last but not least, tomorrow is Primary Day. I'm actually excited about the elections this year... I can't remember an election that I've been able to vote in where there were actually interesting choices in both parties to consider. As I used to tell my students, "I don't care WHO you vote for, just make sure you get out there and VOTE!"
- Don't know who you most agree with? try these two helps:
- (MSNBC's matrix)
- (CNN's issues/candidates site)

Until next time... Good Luck!

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