Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What a wild and wacky couple of weeks we've had...

Where do I even start? Since our last visit, things here have been a bit crazy. I guess I'll start where we left off...

First, thanks for all of the well-wishes on the Rupert news. We truly appreciate all the notes/emails/calls at our exciting news.

Valentine's Day was somewhat uneventful for us... We went to lunch for Valentine's Day, then went to the the gym Thursday night, exercised, and then went home and crashed. So romantic aren't we?

Friday, the 15th, however was very cool. One of echo's clients is Brad Paisley. Long story short, we got to go see Brad, Rodney Atkins, and Chuck Wicks. It was an really good show--especially since we got to hang out at the ticketmaster suite with goodies and comfty seats! :)

We also found out, thanks to Brett's diligence, that we'd been approved for a home loan... Brett has been quite convinced that we need to have a house when Rupert arrives, rather than living here in the apartment. So, between emails about Rupert, we've been zapping each other MLS numbers trying to figure out where we want to look, and babbling with Brady, our ever-patient and forever good-humored real estate agent!

So, where's the wild and wacky? That started Saturday. I took Riley for our morning trot, got a call from Brady about places Brett and I could zoom by that afternoon, etc. We loaded up the car and went driving. Had a great day, until I started having some Rupert issues. A few phone calls to the OB on call, many tears, and some tense hours later, I finally began to feel a bit better. That was Sunday afternoon.

Needless to say, we prayed a lot. I understand that if we lose little Rupert, it just wasn't meant to be. There's nothing that can be done, nothing we did wrong, etc. Just because I understood mentally didn't make it any easier to deal with... We agreed based on all we knew and had heard from the doctor that we had a 50%/50% shot. We wouldn't be able to get an answer until Monday, so I prayed for something different to think about so that I could relax. Next time, I think I'll try to be more specific. Within two or three hours, I was shivering while wrapped up in three blankets with a 65 degree sunny afternoon outside. My body ached all over in seemingly every inch. So, I got something new to think about... a temperature, body aches, shivers, and a really nasty head cold. It did the trick. I did have something else to concentrate on, but like I said, next time, I think I'll be more specific. :)

Monday, we saw the doctor, and found out that Rupert is in fact as stubborn as his two parents. He's still hanging in there floating around as little gray blob on the screen. We felt much much better when we saw/heard that news. (I'd post that picture, but truthfully, it doesn't look any different from the first one...)

The rest of the past eight days has been a blur of antibiotics, cough syrup, sore throat tablets, sinus stuff. The verdict was a nice upper respiratory infection with ear infections--at least it wasn't the flu. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

Today, I have actually been awake long enough to realize that the sun came up and went down. Not exactly the most exciting news from Franklin, but it's about as exciting as I can get. By the way, I just want to let the world know--in-writing-- that I have a wonderful husband. He's been quite self-sufficient, fed me when I was really grouchy, and didn't run screaming from the apartment when I would wake up looking very scary after hours of slumber. He gets real brownie points for the past two weeks of combat. :)

Hopefully will be back and perking along soon. M

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