Monday, February 11, 2008

News from Nashville...

Well, we are quite grateful that the storms that keep blowing through aren't managing to hit us here in our corner of the world. Thanks to all of our friends and family who have called to make sure we didn't blow away! We've had wind, rain, lightening and thunder--but nothing serious. We're grateful for that AND for all the rain. According to the weather reports, we're still very very behind on the rainfall/drought count. Today, however, I'm grateful for the absolutely beautiful day. I wish I had remember to take a picture when Riley and I went for our walk. It was nice and chilly--but not too cold!

This week is Valentine's Day. Whether you love it or hate it, remember, offers some really funny FREE Valentines (Or anti-Valentines as the case may be...) Just remember to treat yourself to some CHOCOLATE no matter what you think of day!

What's YOUR favorite way to enjoy chocolate?
a. Truffles
b. Cake
c. Cookies
d. By itself
e. As Frosting
f. Ice Cream
g. Brownies
h. As an IV...

Mischief from the kitchen...
Let's see, we whipped up a lemon meringue pie for a gentleman's birthday... Apparently, it's his favorite confection. I was kind of excited that I made a pie that looked good when it came out of the oven! :)

Another adventure was creating some new chocolate cupcakes. I just forgot
to actually take PICTURES of them. I found a new chocolate cake recipe that I've fallen in love with. I just wanted to see if I could turn them into cupcakes successfully. Topped with beehives of buttercream and sprinkled with cinnamon they seemed to go over pretty well. Next time, I'll try to remember the pics.

Finally, I had the privilege of making Miss Abigail's first birthday
party cakes. Her cake theme was based upon the great colors and images that her mom Carly picked out for the decorations, invitations, etc. It was a challenge to blend stripes, but it was fun. I hope they enjoyed!

Until Next Time... Happy Baking!

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